In-Person Cultural Experience

Directions: You are required to attend one in-person Hispanic cultural event/performance/show during this class. Your instructor will post announcements on the Course Homepage throughout the course with a variety of cultural events from which to choose. While some of these events will be free, others may include a nominal cost. You are not limited to choosing from the events that your instructor posts, but be sure to email your instructor if you are unsure of the appropriateness of a particular event. This project, which is worth 30 points, is due in Week 13. However, you may submit it early if you would like.

For students living outside of Arizona: If you cannot find a Hispanic cultural event in your local area, contact your instructor. Once notified, your instructor will offer you an alternative assignment for the same point value. Please email your instructor for more information.

Appropriate cultural events and performances may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Please email your instructor if you have questions and / or if you have knowledge of any other appropriate cultural events in your area.

The assignment related to this cultural event will be the following:

Submit a short narrative (150-200 words) that describes your Hispanic cultural event/performance/show. The narrative must include the following items: